Monday, January 30, 2017







Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hi! My Christmas vacation was so fun. I spend my it with my family and friends,it was so fun,and we celebrate it in our house it was so fun,even we didn't go to any other place my I'm still happy because together with my family and relative we spend our time with each other it was full of enjoyment and happiness because occasionally it happens sometimes we spend each other  together having so much fun,happiness and enjoyment. My Christmas vacation was so great because  we come together with my family to attend the night mass it was great and fun because just sometimes that me and my family come together

It was so fun having you and your family celebrating the Christmas altogether and making new memories with joy and happiness.We even go to the beach with my family and friends it was so much fun  because we at the same time once go to a boat and wander around on every island we accessible and tour and there was a lot and kinds of fish it was so much fun.

Time passed by,when the New Years Eve came me,my friends,relatives and my families celebrated the New Years Eve  it was so much fun even we didn't use explosive,we use horn pipe to avoid any accidents and celebrate the New Year with  no accidents happen.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Hi everyone! I am Alexis Adrianne H. Basinillo 16 years old I am a kind person who want to reach my goals in my life.

                This site contains all about freedom,in our life before we reach our dreams or goals we first confront all problem and circumstances that will came in to our life because we can't be successful in our life if we can't face all problems,problems who make us even more stronger and ready in what may came in to our life.I make this site so that we can all know that there are no problems that can't be solved only we can fight it. Because we can't be stronger and ready in what may came in to our life if there is no problems that came in our life.
                 It is naturally to make mistakes because we are not perfect but that mistake will not be the same because we make mistakes not to be more depress but to be more wiser and be more careful not to make that mistakes again.